This is a Wix version of Time University.
Where are the
Time Travellers ?

Prof Stephen Hawking one hosted a party for future time travellers. Presumably time travellers would have seen the invite after the invite posted after the party.
Similar arguments apply to the question of the existence of UFO flying aliens.
If they exist, why have we not seen them?
One solution is that there are simply too many places to visit and we just are not interesting enough to visit.
Some model only allow time travel to times after the invention of the first time machine.
Impossible Shapes
& Topologiess

Roger Penrose has suggested we may need impossible shapes such as this
Penrose Triangle to have a complete picture of existence. Extra dimensional topologies such as Einstein's 4D Spacetime Continuum allow things such as Godel Time Loops, which seem impossible from our 3D view of things. Multi-time models such as Two Time Physics allows for even more flexibility.
Despite such models we still have the problem of first cause or ultimate foundation.
Some models for example have cyclical models where the beginning and end of time are concurrent. Such models apply sometimes have other cyclic aspects such as maximal temperatures being indistinguishable to minimal ones.
Some discrete (quantized or digital) models fit such descriptions.
Entropy's Arrow

Are we living in a digital dream?
Some scientists have noted that our universe seems in many ways to operate like a virtual reality run on a quantum computer. If this is true then unwritten parts of history may be open to influence. Like any analogy there are limits but like the analogy of the clockwork world of Newtonian physics new analogues arising from our information age are opening new doors to knowledge.