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Branches of Science related to Time

Spacetime Mathematics
Albert Einstein's Spacetime Relativity can be a mind blowing concept which smashes the common sense concepts of the universal nature of time. Our Spacetime.University site fousses on this branch of mathematics and its applications ot theoretical physics. The strange aspects of sapcetime phyics mostly arise from inclusion of imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers are square root of negative numbers on the time axis.
Spacetime mathematics is today quite often used in GPS sattelite communications, and areas involving objects travelling at high speeds such as smashlabs. It includes areas of extreme gravity such as theorettical studies of black holes and related warping of the spacetime fabric. Apart from Goldel's time loops travelling to your own past is nomally problematic in spacetime models.

Quantum Time
The word quantum refers to the discrete aspects of physics where energy or and other things are seen to be in discrtet multiples of specific packet sizes. This discrete nature is similar to that seen in digital computers where a picture may be projected on to a grid of pixels on a LCD TV screen. In quantum physics the dots or smallest measures we see are around a very small scale named after a guy calld Plank. This Plank scale is very tiny and like the dots on a TV screen are mostly unknoticed unless we look very closely . Conceptually however time in quantum physics is sometimes thought of as ticking from one moment to the next like an old movie reel with each separate moment as a new picture. TV sets usually have each new screed refreshed at higher speeds than our eyes and brains can notice e.g. above 50,000 images per second. The refresh rate of the universe is much qucker.