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Is it possible to time travel to the past?


Marshall Barnes, Time is my fundamental area of research

Answered Thu

Yes. It hasn’t been done yet but the research is under way now and making big strides. To understand some of it, I suggest reading Tim Folger Discovers A Time Machine and .

What we know now:

  1. There are no practical time travel solutions that come from the theories of Relativity. “Practical” is defined by being possible without the need of a space program.

  2. Time travel paradoxes have no scientific validity at all, as proven in the book based on the special report to the U.S. Congress, Paradox Lost: The True Geometries of Time Travel .

  3. The type of experiments suggested toward the end of that report, has now been done in a series of 7 different experiments that prove that retrocausality tests actually involve parallel universes as do all activities that would change the past, including time travel. Those experiments also prove that we live in a participatory universe as John Archibald Wheeler suggested, and that is the mechanism behind the creation of new, parallel universe copies.

  4. The under lying structure of the universe is information and any theory about time travel that doesn’t take that into consideration, is a flawed theory. As a result, objections to time travel, such as the past or future don’t exist anymore, or having to replicate spatial coordinates or having to reproduce every particle in the universe, are arguments from rank amateurs with no knowledge of what is involved with temporal mechanics or the ‘it from bit’ theory, upon which much of time travel physics is derived from.

Our editor Graham Partis says that the above comments line up closely with his understandings, and comments of other theorists. The idea that everything is information is an obvious one in our information age but this does not mean the idea is wrong.


Graham and his friends at BBF have been exploring various information  approaches. One idea explores the implication to Time Travel or influencing the past if we assume that our universe is fictional rather than physically real. 

for more information. 

Updated 2017 by Benji Bear and Friends

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