This is a Wix version of Time University.
Carlo Rovelli is someone we would like to connect to on LinkedIn. Wikipedia says he is among the founders of Loop Quantum Gravity. Based on this photo he may be a fan of triangular shapes such as simplexes.

Edwin Taylor co-wrote Spacetime Physics with John A Wheeler. Prof Taylor recently wrote a new edition of the book with extra emphasis on "propper time".

Kip Thorne has worked closely with Stephen Hawking. Prof Thorne wrote a paper suggesting that without antigravity antimatter or other source of negative energy Paradoxical Time Travel (such as visiting your own past) is impossible. But with matter that falls up or other sources of negative energy (such as saddle shaped curves in spacetime) Time Travel to your past might be possible.
Prof Thorne is perhaps most known to general audiences for his movie Interstellar.
Marshall Barnes wrote some books related to time and may be doing experiments trying to prove parallel worlds exist.
Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng, author of the books,
Paradox Lost: The True Geometries of Time Travel - The Public Edition
Space Warps and Time Tunnels: The Infamous Legacy of One Stephen W. Hawking
Ronald Lawrence "Ron" Mallett is best known for his scientific position on the possibility time travel.
Mallett and Barnes seem to be friends.
They often appear on the same videos or websites.
Barnes does not seem to be as big a fan as we are of Seth Lloyd's work. Barnes seems to think the work of Lloyd that he is aware of uses computer simulations rather than real world experiments.

Stephen Hawking was one of the best known 21st Century scientists. His work on Hawking Radiation and Black Hole Evaporation was initiated by an idea related to Holographic Information of Black Holes which Jacob Bekenstein (of Bekenstein Bound) decided was not worth exploring.
Although Hawking Radiation seems to sidestep the FTL barrier and allow stuff to seem to escape black holes, Hawking seems skeptical about the possibility of Paradoxical Time Travel. Prof Hawking wrote an article suggesting saddle shaped curves in spacetime may allow reverse time effects.
Hawking seemed to disagree with his old research partner (Kip Thorne) on the idea that antigravity antimatter or other sources of negative energy or any other thing needed for Time Travel is possible. Hawking jokingly suggests that Time Paradox Police seem to stop such things.

Michio Kaku is a string theory pioneer who does documentaries and books on Time Travel and related topics.

Seth Lloyd
Has Seth Lloyd sent stuff back in time?
Seth Lloyd is a leading quantum computing theorist.
Seth seems to be a fan of the idea that our universe acts much like a simulation running on a quantum computer.
We understand Seth has done some computer simulations of sending an electron(or photon) back in time to destroy itself. We understood he also did some real world experiments as well which he claimed could be interpreted as experiments in time travel. Others may have other interpretations. The justification for this research is in part to test "The Grandfather Paradox".
Seth claims to have made improvements to modeling of Godel time loops by David Deutsch.
Kurt Godel supposedly offered offered proof that closed timelike curves (similar to those seen in the movie "Groundhog Day") were possible in Einstein's spacetime relativity math.

Brian Greene is a well known TV science narrator, and author of books on String Theory.
Green seems to be a big fan of M-Theory pioneer: Edward Witten.

Perimeter Institute is based in Canada. It is one of the leading places of learning and research in theoretical physics. This includes research in nature of Time.
Matthew O’Dowd, is the host PBS digital series Space Time. His YouTube "Lotto Challenge" is similar to an idea of ours where we explore whether is may be possible o teleport Lotto numbers back in time.
We got the idea from a lecture by Ben Schumacher. Ben is perhaps more known for popularizing the term Q-Bit to describe quantum binary digits.
Benjamin Schumacher helped popularize the term Q-Bit to describe quantum binary digits. Benji Bear and Friends saw a lecture by Ben Schumacher describing how to use quantum Teleportation to send information back in time.
Ben's lecturing style is quite polished and reminiscent of some baptist preachers. We enjoyed his lectures very much.
Paul Davies is a philosopher who is interested in Time Travel. He is involved with SETI.
Benji Bear and Friends is our informal club promoting research in space settlement and theoretical physics related to ultimate reality and time travel.
Our latest project is Time University hosted on Time.University and Spacetime.University sites.
The gray teddy bear is our mascot.
James Dunn is a member of Lifeboat Foundation.
James has also a long time supporter of Benji Bear and Friends.
James has an interest in ways to manipulate time.
Feel free to offer comments or critiques of his ideas.

Dr Andrew W Beckwith is also a member of Lifeboat and a long time supporter of Benji Bear and Friends. Not to be confused with the baseball player.
Hans Van Leunen uses quaternions to model aspects of spacetime (and ultimate reality) physics. Our mascot Benji is a big fan of Hans ideas. His data repository ideas remind us of ideas used in Virtualism.
Hans' ideas have some aspects similar to our Benji's TOE project. Hans seems to have derived his ideas through detailed low level math while our ideas derived were more from general observations of trends in competing models. We are big fans of the types of conclusions and approaches he uses.
Our friend Usha Raut has seemed at times to have very passionate objections to some of Hans' work. Our editor Graham thinks Usha may have been a tad harsh in her critiques. Usha apparently tried exploring some similar ideas but gave up exploring "Quaternionic" number systems in favour of "Strong Gravity" and other approaches.
Peter Forrest was in part responsible for the birth of Benji Bear and Friends when he allowed our editor Graham Partis to study under him at University of New England in 2000. Some of our ideas about relativity of Entropy and implications to Arrows of Time, were explored in discussion by Peter and Graham.

Sean Carroll is a brilliant physicists who writes interesting books about Entropy and Times.
Our editor Graham Partis has had some discussions with Sean questioning Sean's ideas about Entropy deciding the direction of Time.
Sean's friend Alan Guth seems to have ideas more in line with Graham's ideas that both the direction of Entropy and the direction of time are both relative to observer perspectives.
On further reading of Carroll's early work we get the impression that there may not be much differences between Carroll and Guth's ideas but merely a difference in how the ideas are put into words or analogy.

Alan Guth is an expert on Entropy who has some ideas which inspired some of our ideas about Entropy being relative. E.g. relative to moment or observer perspective. These ideas seem to go against the ideas of Roger Penrose and Sean Carroll tat lucky "tidy" low entropy states are needed to wind up the clock of Time.

James Gleick has some interesting videos about Time Travel hosted via Big Think.

Bill Nye (the Science guy) seems to enjoy shooting holes in fantastic claims such as miracle cures from alternate medicines or religious totems.
His Big Think talks on claims of Time Travellers may be of interest.

David Deutsch published some ideas on math related to Godel Time Loops that Seth Lloyd criticized. Prof Lloyd's competing ideas led to time travel experiments testing the Grandfather paradox, where he seemed to send something back in time to prevent itself from going back in time.
It is possible that without trying to improve on Prof Deutsch's ideas Prof Lloyd's experiments may have not eventuated.
In the usual version of the Grandfather Paradox you go back in time and kill your grandfather or otherwise prevent your own birth.
Seth Lloyd