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Our Magical Universe

Many of us get the feeling that there is something amazing or magical about the birth of a child or the magesty of the night sky or the beauty of a choral syphony. 


For others the world brings strange coincidences that seem to unlikely to not have meaning. 


For others a meaning for everything must be found and they spend all their time at the magic show of life looking for the hidden strings.


Those who have studied the modern sciences will likely know the world is still quite mysterious and amazing. A tiny speck of DNA can hold all the information to create a human or a T-Rex. Time and space get warped in spacetime physics such that one persons yesterday would be another observer's North? Quantum computers seem to similtaniously explore all possible worlds to find solutions to problems? 


Cosmology raises questions like what happened before our universe started. Some say there was no "Before the Big Bang", because it was the birth of both time and space, at least for our universe. 


However we look at things the world does seem amazing.

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